What is Intervening?
An intervention is a technique, usually used by a facilitator, to stop a destructive process or enhance a constructive process in a group. Some of the most common situations that require interventions are when ground rules are being broken, the group seems stalled or stuck, there is prolonged conflict among members, or some members are not participating. (This document does not provide guidelines for conducting each type of intervention; rather, it provides an overview of the types of interventions.)
Variety of Intervention Techniques
The nature of the intervention depends on the nature of the current process in the group. There are a wide variety of intervention techniques, for example:
- Asking for clarity
- Asking questions
- Confronting
- Making suggestions
- Providing other perspectives
- Reminding the group about their ground rules
- Structuring activities
- Summarizing
Core Principles for Authentic, Effective Interventions
The job of a facilitator usually is not to lead or direct a group, but rather is to provide support and guidance for the group to work toward its purpose – the nature of facilitation is often quite indirect, depending on the purpose of the group.
So unless the situation is around a major, destructive conflict, be careful not to take away the group’s responsibility for the situation.
So, for example, if a ground rule is repeatedly broken, members just aren’t participating, the group continually seems to stray from their purpose, or the group seems really stuck or stalled, then give the group an opportunity to recognize their situation, take responsibility for it, and decide what to do about it. For example, you could:
1. Briefly describe what you are seeing or hearing (in the here and now) that leads you to conclude that there is a problem. Do not just report what you feel or sense – try to be more specific about what you are seeing or hearing.
2. Ask the group what they want to do about the situation, within a time frame.
3. Be silent for a while, while group members react and discuss the situation. You might give them suggestions, but let group members decide, if possible.
4. Focus the discussion on the situation at hand.
5. Ask them for a decision.